[texworks] Scripting root file behaviour
Thomas Fehige
thomas at fehige.de
Wed Apr 11 23:31:44 CEST 2012
Hi Vladimir,
> Of course, you are familiar with concept of 'root file', see
> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/wiki/TipsAndTricks
Yes, I've come across that.
> (This may be sub-optimal but works good.)
It's good for the standard project where "mybook.tex" contains multiple
\include{mychapter1.tex} \include{mychapter2.tex} and so on. I'm not an
author (most of the time) but a designer/typographer etc., and therefore
I have multiple *.sty, *.clo and *.cls files open and make changes here
and there, and I don't care to dedicate each of them to a root file
"test.tex", only to remember to undo that whenever I want to change to
the actual project I'm working on.
> Let's me restate you question (if I'm right): you want to set 'root
> file' by means of some function in TeXworks interface, for example by a
> script?
Yes, and un-set or re-set it with as little fuss as possible.
Maybe Henriks suggestion will lead me somewhere.
All the best -- Thomas
> ---
> WBR, Vladimir Lomov
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