[texworks] line buffered output

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Sun Nov 20 23:40:11 CET 2011


I wonder if rather than tackling things piecemeal,  a broader discussion
and contributions are also warranted towards looking at the wider issue of
both the Console output and Latex Errors tab.

I have almost started to wonder with that if all we can hope
to realistically achieve is making the line number references themselves
hot clickable to the Editor lines with no other processing?


On 20 November 2011 22:59, Arno Trautmann <Arno.Trautmann at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi all,
> following Tako's answer to a question on the LuaTeX list¹, it seems that
> TeXworks' terminal output is block-buffered. That is suboptimal in some
> special cases, as the one I'm describing in that mail. Is it possible to
> change this in TeXworks?
> To explain my request: Look at the following plain LuaTeX example:
> \let\n\relax
> \directlua{
>  delay = 1.0
>  texio.write_nl("first comment\n")
>  os.sleep (delay)
>  texio.write("second comment\n")
>  os.sleep (delay)
> }
> \bye
> and have a look at the terminal output in TeXworks, in comparison to
> compiling a normal terminal. The two comments should be output with a time
> delay between them, which does not happen with TeXworks (at least not with
> r.944 on x86_64 Arch Linux)
> Cheers
> Arno
> ¹http://tug.org/pipermail/**luatex/2011-November/003352.**html<http://tug.org/pipermail/luatex/2011-November/003352.html>
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