[texworks] Drop of Python scripting support

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Tue Nov 1 10:32:55 CET 2011

Dear Philip,

Slightly off topic, hopefully no one will mind a brief cultural digression?
Please share with us all what you are doing with a Byzantine dictionary that
is a most interesting project and has really whetted my curiosity!


On 1 November 2011 22:12, Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) <
P.Taylor at rhul.ac.uk> wrote:

> Dear Paul -- Thank you, that is extremely kind, but to be honest,
> I have never found the need for scripting in any environment other
> than the underlying operating system, and even then very rarely.
> Even in WinEDT, which I have used for many many years and which
> I prefer in many ways to TeXworks (but which is not yet UTF-8 compatible,)
> I have never found any need for scripting.  One of my tasks (the
> typesetting of a Byzantine dictionary) does require Perl, but
> I treat that as "just another typesetting task" rather than
> special-case it, even though it results in no typeset output,
> so I just have the Perl script open, and, when I need to interpret
> it, activate it in a manner almost identical to the manner in which
> I launch TeX to interpret a TeX document.
> No two of us will ever evolve quite the same working methodology,
> but I am probably on the limits of the distribution in that I
> also never use TeXify, MakeTeX, Make, TexMK, TexMaker, or any
> of the other zillion ways that are "alleged" to make the use
> of TeX simpler :-)
> ** Phil.
> --------
> Paul A Norman wrote:
>>    P.S. I never use Python, nor do I ever feel the need for a scripting
>>    language for TeXworks : I want it to be able to open and edit UTF-8
>>    files, call the appropriate compiler, and when appropriate, to display
>>    the rendered output and/or the log file.
>>    Philip Taylor
>> Dear Philip,
>> If you are doing a lot of publishing using TeXworks, and would ever need
>> a key board short-cut to perform some repetitively done or frequently used
>> less simple task, post here about it, or email me privately and if I'm
>> around, I'd try to look into it for you.
>> Paul
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