[texworks] Texworks quit working (on windows)

Stefan Löffler st.loeffler at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 20:07:32 CET 2011


On 2011-10-29 05:13, Paul A Norman wrote:
> Good on you for persevering - a very worthwhile exercise.

I also want to thank you very much for keeping investigating this issue
- and for finding the solution, of course.

> I had wondered if it involved something Pythonish  that had
> been installed and now was not there (thinking path and  dlls),
> but didn't realise there would be environment variable(s)
> automatically added to the User, with out the User ticking something
> in the Python application install.
> Does TeXworks need to even use that variable if it
> supplies everything - or does any kind of Python always look for that
> kind of environment variable?

This had nothing to do with the TeXworks side of the code. It was Python
looking for, e.g., modules etc. by itself, checking the environment to
that end.


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