[texworks] Bug when marking text

Vladimir Lomov lomov.vl at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 16:26:36 CEST 2011

** Arno Trautmann [2011-10-18 14:08:53 +0200]:

> Vladimir Lomov wrote:
>>>>or alternatively from Help>   About TeXworks.
>>>Claims to be Qt v4.7.4, my system calls the package 4.7.4-3, if that helps …
>>>>This seems to be (at least partially) a Qt bug, that's why I'm asking.
>>>If it happens only on my machine, maybe. If so – is there any way to
>>>work around or do I just have to hope for a bugfix-update?
>>Then can you, please, make a screenshot?
> Is attached (if the list allows attachments?)
> The line in question is l. 3, originally says
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> and is marked setting the cursor at the end of the line, then
> pressing Shift and Home.
> >P.S. I suspect that cuase may be in color scheme used by Qt.
> Is this only for information or am I supposed to do something now? …
And this is mine. You can see how the colors can be chosen :D.
(Sorry for Russian interface, though it doesn't matter for the case.)

I still think that this is problem with color scheme. Some time ago I
faced in some sense with a similar problem, I didn't like some colors
and tried to change them, without success as you can see.

Take a look into $HOME/.config/Trolltech.conf and run qtconfig.

P.S. Actually I don't use TeXworks either, I use Emacs+AUCTeX entirely
for all my LaTeX documents. I translated interface only to help my
sister to feel a bit more comfortable when she use it.

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

Flame on!
		u- Johnny Storm

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