[texworks] Unwanted side-effect of <tab> : how to avoid ?

BPJ bpj at melroch.se
Mon Jun 13 23:02:49 CEST 2011

2011-06-13 15:45, Stefan Löffler skrev:
> Hi,
> On 2011-06-13 12:37, Paul A Norman wrote:
>> On 13 June 2011 20:12, Jonathan Kew<jfkthame at googlemail.com>  wrote:
>>> On 13 Jun 2011, at 08:53, Paul A Norman wrote:
>>>> Might perhaps be helpful to have something on a<Tw Config>completion/
>>>> .txt  file by file basis?
>>> I was originally thinking of doing this - that's one reason for supporting multiple files, rather than just dumping everything into a single text file - but didn't get around to it. At that point it would probably need to be a separate preference panel, though, to avoid over-filling the Editor panel. And maybe that's too much UI for one little feature.... hmmm. Not sure.
>> What about a set height slideshowable QListView  populated at startup
>> with QCheckBox(es)  from the<Tw config>/completion/*.txt  files'
>> list?
> Yes, something of the sort. However, I think that right now, this would
> be a lot of work and much UI for one little feature. In particular (as
> elaborated a bit elsewhere in this thread), Tw has no way of
> knowing/guessing what kind of file you're working on. Consequently,
> you'd have to constantly change either global or per-file settings if
> working with different types of files - which is not very convenient
> IMO. Anyway, this might change in the future...
> Stefan

What are you talking about here? A long list with all the
autocompletion snippets, or a short(er) one with the filenames
from <Tw config>/completion/ ? If the latter I definitely think
it's worth it. Given that each <Tw config>/completion/*.txt file
contains snippets appropriate for one kind of documents it makes
eminent sense to be able to (de)activate those completion files
which are not relevant for a particular file. In fact I've
refrained from creating my own completion files inter alia
because I want to minimize the number of currently irrelevant
alternatives popping up, and moving files in and out of
<Tw config>/completion/ and restarting TW isn't all that


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