[texworks] Message from TeXworks User(Miktex)

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Fri Oct 29 16:18:57 CEST 2010

On 28/10/2010 17:30, Christopher Davis wrote:
> Hello,
> (I have Windows 7 and am using texworks Version 0.3 (r514) miktex 2.8.)
> I'm trying to switch from texniccenter to texworks.  The latex side of
> texworks seems perfect, but on my notebook screen and with my eyesight,
> the pdf output is illegible unless I manually enlarge the window.  I'm
> trying to use another pdf viewer, probably sumatrapdf.  This almost works
> automatically, but every time I compile my tex file, the texworks
> pdfviewer reappears.  Is there some way to suppress that?
> I've tried using the "launchPdf.js" script (which as far as I can tell
> contains only the line "TW.app.launchFile(TW.target.fileName);").  It does
> show up on my scripts menu, but I receive:  "ReferenceError:  TW is not
> defined".  Did I not copy the correct js file?  I retrieved it from
> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/source/browse/trunk/res/resfiles/scripts/launchPdf.js
> I appreciate any suggestions.  I'm optimistic about texworks.  I recently
> switched from os x, where I used aquamacs+auctex+skim and am hoping to
> find a combination on windows that I like as much.
> Thank you,
> -Chris Davis

You'll need to edit the Typesetting controls. In Preferences, 
Typesetting you'll need to edit each tool to untick the 'View PDF after 
running' box. That should do the trick.
Joseph Wright

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