[texworks] message from TeXworks user(MiKTeX)

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at me.com
Sat May 8 18:49:46 CEST 2010

Le 8 mai 2010 à 15:29, Vladimir Lomov a écrit :

> 2010/5/8 SALIFOU DRAMANE BIO <dsalifou at googlemail.com>:
>> Here is the text I want to compile:
>> [...]
>> \usepackage{pstricks-add} % Créer des figures
> Main engine of TeXworks is pdflatex so there is not "out-of-box" way
> to use any pstricks package.
> [...]
> Also, you could find useful information here
> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/wiki/AdvancedTypesettingTools

More specifically, here is what I think (being a Mac user, unable to test on Windows) you have to do:

- Create a file latex-dvips-ps2pdf.bat containing

	@latex -synctex=1 "%1.tex" && dvips "%1.dvi" && ps2pdf "%1.ps"

- Place it in the directory where MikTeX searches for executables, probably <MiKTeX_installation_folder>\miktex\miktex\bin.

- Create a new TeXworks processing tool, in Preferences > Typesetting > Processing tools:

	Name: <whatever-you-like>
	Program: latex-dvips-ps2pdf
	Arguments: $fullname

- Select this new processing tool in TeXworks' toolbar when typesetting your LaTeX file.

The message <http://tug.org/pipermail/texworks/2009q4/001903.html> has more specific instructions for MikTeX. In particular, the content of the .bat file is slightly different:

	@echo off
	miktex-pdftex -synctex=1 -undump=latex %1 && dvips "%~dpn1.dvi" -o "%~dpn1.ps" && ps2pdf "%~dpn1.ps"

I've no idea what's best.

Hope this helps,

Bruno Voisin

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