[texworks] message from TeXworks user

Joseph Wright joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk
Tue May 4 16:58:57 CEST 2010

On 04/05/2010 12:34, Stephen Corson wrote:
> I am new to TeXworks but not new to LateX. I have just bought a mac and am using TeXworks to wirte my thesis and papers. I have noticed when I use the command \ref{} or \cite{} I do not get a box opening with my labels or bib items like I used to get in WinEdit. Is there a way to enable this feature?
> Stephen Corson

Hello Stephen,

At present this sort of thing is on the "wish list" for TeXworks. 
Development is very much ongoing, but the version number of TeXworks 
does indicate that it is still "pre-release" (although many people use 
it as their main or only TeX editor).
Joseph Wright

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