[texworks] Compilationerror for Mingw and printing

Alain Delmotte alain.delmotte at leliseron.org
Sun Jun 21 14:40:16 CEST 2009

Hi Stefan,

I tried to compile with the printing possibility.
At compilation I got an error, see attached file.

I do not forget to modify TeXworks.pro which now reads:
win32 { # paths here are specific to my cross-compilation setup
    INCLUDEPATH += C:/Programmes/KDE-mingw/include/poppler/qt4
    INCLUDEPATH += C:/texworks-mingw/hunspell-1.2.8/src/hunspell

    LIBS += -LC:/texworks-mingw/hunspell-1.2.8/src/hunspell/.libs
    LIBS += -lpoppler-qt4
    LIBS += -lhunspell-1.2
    LIBS += -lgdi32
    LIBS += -lole32


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