[texworks] compiling texworks with static poppler and hunspell

Daniel Becker daniel.becker at uni-rostock.de
Fri Jun 5 09:10:32 CEST 2009

Am 04.06.2009 um 23:17 schrieb Karl Berry:

> For MacOSX, it might be possible, which would be fine, but it's  
> probably
> less important there than anywhere else, given TeXShop.

Hi - as a  MacOSX-person, I will stick to TeXShop and other tools. But  
for teaching LaTeX, it would be cool to have TeXWorks both on a Mac  
and on Windows (and, less important, Linux)... Screenshots, step-by- 
step instructions etc. would be exactly the same for all students.

Just a remark....


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