[texworks] integrating TeX Works into TeX Live

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Mon Mar 16 11:58:37 CET 2009

On Mo, 16 Mär 2009, Jonathan Kew wrote:
> Suppose we supported a third key in this file: defaultbinpaths = <list  
> of paths>.
> This would provide fresh defaults for the paths, replacing the  
> compiled-in ones. (They'd still be overridden by any changes the user  
> makes in the Preferences dialog, of course. The "Restore Defaults"  
> button in Prefs would reset to the defaults from this .ini file,  
> rather than the compiled-in paths.)
> Then all the TL installer needs to do is create a small .ini file  
> alongside the TW binary, listing the appropriate bin directories. It  
> wouldn't put the inipath or libpath keys in the file at all, as TW  
> knows where to put these by default for proper per-user setup.

Or something:
	addbinpath = <list of paths>

But yes, that is exactely what I had in mind. We don't want to set up
anything else, we only want to make sure that the binaries are found

> If there are other defaults that we want to make configurable at  
> installation time, they could be added here too, but I would want to  
> keep these to an absolute minimum; at the moment, I can't think of  
> anything else that deserves to be done here.

Me neither.

> (Oh, and I'm thinking of renaming the file something like "texworks- 
> setup.ini" as this isn't really related to "portable" mode.)



!!!! THANKS !!!!

Best wishes


Dr. Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at>        Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining at debian.org>                         Debian TeX Group
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futilely attempting to communicate with either a tropical fish or a
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