[texworks] pre-release snapshots

Alain Delmotte esperanto at swing.be
Wed Feb 25 16:26:26 CET 2009


If Jonathan doesn't have time to do, I can put my version 271 at a place 
from where it can be downloaded.



Daniel Becker a écrit :
> Hallo -
> as some of you might have seen on other lists, I would like to install 
> TeXLive2008 with a decent editor on a Windows Vista machine.
> As TeXWorks seems to be the only Windows Editor that is preconfigured 
> for TeXLive2008 and comes with synctex-support, I would like to give 
> it a try.
> Would it be possible to update the pre-release snapshots at 
> http://code.google.com/p/texworks/downloads/list to a more recent 
> version? I don't think that I can handle to build texworks on Windows 
> (I am a mac-user).
> Thanks -
> Daniel

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