[texworks] Building TeXworks on WinXP
Alain Delmotte
esperanto at swing.be
Sun Jan 11 15:03:03 CET 2009
Hi Stefan,
I tried to follow your instructions, but could not get the KDE files. So
nothing is done.
Could you compile and make available a new version of TeXworks for
Windows for other users?
We still have the v.238! And there are some new possibilities I would
like to test and use.
This would also help Jonathan!
Stefan Löffler a écrit :
> Hi!
> Since there seemed to be the wish from some people to build TeXworks on
> MS Windows I tried out a few possibilities and wrote a short guide to
> the (IMO) simplest way. I have tested it on WinXP, but it should work on
> other Windows versions as well (possibly with some adjusted paths).
> Note: There seems to be a memory-management related problem that
> prevents running TeXworks from within MSVC (the programming
> environment). I believe that this is a bug in Poppler (that also exists
> on Linux and up to the latest version) but I can't guarantee that it is
> indeed rather harmless. In any case use the guide and the compiled
> TeXworks application at your own risk, don't open untrusted documents,
> and don't blame me in any case ;).
> Hope this helps.
> -Stefan
> PS: I hope the attachment gets through to the mailing list. If not I'll
> copy the guide and send it as a normal mail.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> == Table of Contents ==
> * Software
> * Directory Structure
> * Obtaining the necessary libraries from KDE on Windows
> * Downloading and building Hunspell
> * Obtaining and building TeXworks
> * Running TeXworks for the first time
> * Updating TeXworks
> * Disclaimer
> == Software ==
> The process described here has been sucessfully implemented using the
> following<software. You may of course use other software, but then the
> described steps may have to be adapted in some places.
> * WinXP (+SP3)
> * Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition (+SP1)
> [http://www.microsoft.com/express/vc/]
> for building libraries and the program. For brevity this application
> will be referred to as MSVC (Microsoft Visual C) in the rest of this
> document.
> Note: This software is for free (although not as in "speech" or "beer").
> To use if after a 30 days trial period you need to register
> (which is free, too).
> * 7-Zip
> [http://www.7-zip.org/]
> for opening tar.gz
> Note: This software is for free (mostly as in "speech" or "beer")
> * Subversion
> [http://subversion.tigris.org/]
> for obtaining the TeXworks source code
> Note: This software is for free (as in "speech" or "beer")
> Note: You need administrator's privileges to install new software.
> == Directory structure ==
> I used the following directory layout for building TeXworks and its
> dependencies. If you choose another layout you have to adjust the paths in the
> rest of this guide.
> C:\texworks\hunspell-1.2.8\ (hunspell)
> C:\texworks\texworks-read-only\ (TeXworks)
> == Obtaining the necessary libraries from KDE on Windows ==
> Download and run the installer found at http://windows.kde.org/
> Note: You need administrator's privileges to install some of the packages
> Install the following packages and their dependencies:
> jpeg, poppler-data, poppler-msvc, qt-msvc, zlib
> Add the KDEDIRS environment variable and adjust your path to include the
> KDE bin directory according to the summary found at
> http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KDE_on_Windows/Installation#Summary_of_Steps
> == Downloading and building Hunspell ==
> Go to http://sourceforge.net/projects/hunspell/ and choose
> Download -> Browse all packages -> Hunspell from the navigation bar at the
> top.
> Download the .tar.gz file (the win32.zip file only contains programs, no
> sources and no libraries).
> At the time of writing, hunspell-1.2.8.tar.gz was the latest version and will
> be used throughout this guide.
> Extract hunspell-1.2.8.tar.gz to C:\texworks\
> Open hunspell-1.2.8/src/win_api/Hunspell.sln (the solution needs to be
> converted)
> Two files are missing in the libhunspell project. Follow the next steps to add
> them:
> *) Expand the libhunspell project in the solution explorer on the left hand
> side
> *) Right-Click on the hunspell folder under the libhunspell project
> *) Choose Add->Existing
> *) Choose C:\texworks\hunspell-1.2.8\src\hunspell\replist.*
> Since all other libraries are built in Release mode, hunspell should be built
> in that mode as well. To switch to that mode, choose Configuration Manager
> from the Build menu. In the popup window choose Release_dll as the active
> configuration and close the window.
> Build libhunspell (i.e. by Right-Clicking on libhunspell in the solution
> explorer and choosing "Build")
> There are several warnings but the build should succeed.
> == Obtaining and building TeXworks ==
> Run the following command from the command line in the folder C:\texworks
> svn checkout http://texworks.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ texworks-read-only
> You get a fresh new copy of the latest TeXworks code in the folder
> C:\texworks\texworks-read-only
> In order to build TeXworks you have to modify
> C:\texworks\texworks-read-only\TeXworks.pro to reflect your local
> configuration. Find the lines reading
> INCLUDEPATH += z:/cross-tools/usr/local/include
> INCLUDEPATH += z:/cross-tools/usr/local/include/poppler
> INCLUDEPATH += z:/cross-tools/usr/local/include/poppler/qt4
> INCLUDEPATH += z:/cross-tools/usr/local/include/hunspell
> LIBS += -Lz:/cross-tools/usr/local/lib
> LIBS += -lpoppler-qt4
> LIBS += -lpoppler
> LIBS += -lfreetype
> LIBS += -lhunspell-1.2
> LIBS += -lz
> and replace them by
> INCLUDEPATH += C:/Program Files/KDE/include/poppler/qt4
> INCLUDEPATH += C:/texworks/hunspell-1.2.8/src/hunspell
> LIBS += C:/Program Files/KDE/lib/poppler-qt4.lib
> LIBS += C:/Program Files/KDE/lib/poppler.lib
> LIBS += C:/texworks/hunspell-1.2.8/src/win_api/Release_dll/libhunspell/libhunspell.lib
> LIBS += C:/Program Files/KDE/lib/zlib.lib
> Note: This assumes you have an English version of WinXP (otherwise the folder
> Program Files will be named differently) and that you installed the
> KDE libraries in the default location.
> Because the Windows libraries don't seem to support the round() function, add
> the following line to the top of
> C:\texworks\texworks-read-only\src\PDFDocument.cpp
> #define round(x) ((fabs(ceil(x) - (x)) < fabs(floor(x) - (x))) ? ceil(x) : floor(x))
> Then run
> qmake -t vcapp
> on the command line from the C:\texworks\texworks-read-only directory. This
> creates C:\texworks\texworks-read-only\TeXworks.vcproj which can be opened in
> Choose the Release configuration in the same way as for hunspell (Note: it's
> simply termed Release this time).
> Build TeXworks (i.e. by Right-Clicking on the TeXworks project in the solution
> explorer and choosing "Build"). This creates
> C:\texworks\texworks-read-only\release\TeXworks.exe
> == Running TeXworks for the first time ==
> Before you can run TeXworks for the first time you need to copy several DLLs
> in a location where TeXworks can find them:
> * Copy C:\texworks\hunspell-1.2.8\src\win_api\Release_dll\libhunspell\libhunspell.dll
> to C:\texworks\texworks-read-only\release
> * Copy the following dlls from C:\Program Files\KDE\bin to
> C:\texworks\texworks-read-only\release:
> jpeg62.dll, QtCore4.dll, QtGui4.dll, QtXml4.dll, zlib1.dll
> Note: You can't currently run TeXworks.exe from within MSVC because it
> complains about memory corruption. Running it normally (from outside
> MSVC) seems to work, though. Investigations of the issue are ongoing.
> == Updating TeXworks ==
> Remove the following files from C:\texworks\texworks-read-only
> TeXworks.sln, TeXworks.ncb, TeXworks.vcproj*, TeXworks.suo
> Then run
> svn update
> qmake -t vcapp
> from the same directory to update your TeXworks sources and your MSVC project
> file. Finally open TeXworks.vcproj in MSVC and build.
> == Disclaimer ==
> This guide is provided as-is in the hope that it's helpful. There is no
> guarantee the described procedure will work on your system. Use at your own
> risk.
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