[texworks] Putting "smart quotes" in TeXworks

Jonathan Kew jonathan at jfkew.plus.com
Sun Dec 7 10:29:34 CET 2008

On 7 Dec 2008, at 09:15, Iwan Setyawan wrote:

> One of the small gimmick I'm currently missing on TeXworks is the  
> capability to change double quotes (") into "smart quotes", that is  
> `` and '' like the one I see in AucTeX. Is this feature indeed  
> missing or I am the one who's missing something?

There's not currently any support for this, but perhaps it would be a  
useful addition. Actually, if we do this I'd want to have the option  
to change " into the Unicode characters “ and ” as an alternative to  
the TeX convention of `` and ''.

The problem with automatic "smart-quote" features, though, is that  
they don't necessarily get it right 100% of the time.


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