[texworks] New binaries available [was: Re: Hot keys / templates]

Jonathan Kew jonathan at jfkew.plus.com
Wed Nov 26 19:10:11 CET 2008

On 27 Nov 2008, at 06:30, Alain Delmotte wrote:

> Hi!
> Peter Wüsten a écrit :
>> Alain Delmotte schrieb:
>>> Or is it another problem of path? Example the white spaces?
>> Alain, the white spaces never made any difference on my windows  
>> machine (XP professional SP3 German), but the Umlaut in the user- 
>> path did. Try adding a user whose name contains only ASCII- 
>> characters, and see if spell-checking works properly when Texworks  
>> is intalled for that user.
> I tried the system on another computer running Windows XP, same  
> mikTeX,...
> The only difference is that the folder for the user doesn't have  
> accented characters like ...\HP_Propriétaire\... *and* both  
> spellcheck and  forward/inverse search now run OK.
> This problem is unfortunate because I do not see how to change this  
> because there are too many things linked to the user name (llinks,  
> shorcuts, programs and programs config,...)

Sure -- this isn't your problem, it's a bug that I need to fix, now  
that we realize what's causing it. I've been really puzzled why these  
things didn't work for you, when others seemed to have no trouble with  
them, but now things make more sense.

> Now another question: what is Hunspell doing: just underline the  
> wrong words or is it a correction and suggestion system?

If you bring up the context menu on a marked word (right-click), you  
should see suggestions (if it can find any).


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