[texshop] TeXShop - LaTeX Stack Exchange Question

Herbert Schulz herbs2 at mac.com
Fri Sep 20 00:49:58 CEST 2024

> On Sep 19, 2024, at 4:58 PM, Bruno Voisin via texshop <texshop at tug.org> wrote:
>> On 19 sept. 2024, at 11:22 PM, John H Lienhard <lienhard at mit.edu> wrote:
>> TeXShop key shortcut for "Comment"
>> https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/726632/119566?sem=2
> Namely:
> "For years I have used cmd{ to comment highlighted text in TeXShop. Today I turned on my Mac and discovered that cmd{ has been replaced by cmd/. How do I change it back?"
> Answering here rather than StackExchange, as I'm not sure at all of the answer: it's one of these shortcuts that is affected by the locale.
> Here in Sequoia, when I'm using the French locale the shortcut is Cmd-{
> <Capture d’écran 2024-09-19 à 11.27.20 PM.png>
> If I switch to the US English locale, this becomes Cmd-:
> <Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 11.26.43 PM.png>
> I don't know whether things changed with Sequoia. Unfortunately I don't have a pre-Sequoia Mac at hand to test.
> It happened in the past, I think, that shortcuts in TeXShop changed automatically when they were conflicting with those defined at the OS level. I'm not sure where these are set now. There are some at System Settings > Keyboard > Keyboard Shortcuts, but I can't find Cmd-{ there. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong place.
> Other than that, the introduction of Apple Intelligence in Sequoia (only when your region is set to US and your Siri language to English, for now) adds Writing Tools to the Edit menu, allowing for example to select a piece of text and have AI rewrite it in Friendly, Professional or Concise style. There doesn't seem to be keyboard shortcuts for these, but maybe there are and these take Cmd-{ over. That said, I don't think Apple Intelligence is available yet in Sequoia 15.0, you need 15.1, currently in beta (I'm using it), to have access to it. So that's probably not the right explanation.
> Bruno Voisin


First Quit TeXShop.

Go to System Settings->Keyboard and click on Keyboard Shortcuts. Select App Shortcuts and press +. This gives a panel where you can select the app (TeXShop.app) the Menu Title (Comment) and the keyboard shortcut. The only strange thing is that the menu displays the shortcut as Shft-Cmd-[ (which is {) on a US keyboard but it seems to work.

Good Luck,

Herb Schulz
herbs2 at mac.com

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