[texshop] TeXShop hangs when lock screen kicks in

Murray Eisenberg murrayeisenberg at gmail.com
Sun Aug 6 17:32:31 CEST 2023

On an M1 Mac Studio runnig macOS Ventura 13.5, TeXShop 5.15 hangs when I log back in after the lock screen has kicked in if there had been an open .tex source window before the computer went to sleep and then went to the lock screen.

This has happened with earlier macOS and earlier TeXShop versions as well.

Could it have something to do with my opening TeXShop via a Terminal command that also opens several other apps? The command, in ~/.profile is the alias "texset" defined there as follows:

alias texset='opentexpdfs;sleep 5;mintexpdfs;for a (easyfind copyless\ 2 WindowMizer);do open -a $a;done;open ~/Documents/My_publications/Topology_book_2ed/Topology2Source;opentxtexs;sleep 5;open -a texshop'
alias opentxtexs='open -a TextEdit.app ~/Documents/My_publications/Topology_book_2ed/ref/standard\ examples\ crefs.txt'
alias opentexpdfs='for a (~/Documents/My_publications/Topology_book_2ed/ref/Topology_1ed_Eisenberg.pdf ~/Documents/My_publications/Topology_book_2ed/trials/ref-style-key/ref-style-key.pdf ~/Documents/My_publications/Topology_book_2ed/Topology2Source/topology2.pdf);do open -a Skim.app $a;done'

When I first reported this issue to this list in September 2022, I seem to recall being advised to capture some log file, but i don't now find that reply. Which log file?

Murray Eisenberg		murrayeisenberg at gmail.com
Mobile (413)-427-5334
503 King Farm Blvd #101		
Rockville, MD 20850-6667	

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