[texshop] Synctex and component files

Alan C. Bowen bowen at ircps.org
Sat Oct 15 18:16:57 CEST 2022

Herb and Bruno—

Many thanks for your suggestions.

Sadly, neither % !TEX root = rootfile.tex  or % !TEX root = /path/to/rootfile.tex at the top of each subfile (ie., component file to be included) makes no difference

Adding % !TEX projectfile = rootfile.tex at the top of the root (product) file also makes no difference.

What I have now:
• nothing special in the root (product) file
• at the top of each subfile (component file),
	% !TEX root = rootfile.tex 
	% !TEX TS-program = ConTeXt2021
	% !TEX useAlternatePath
	% !TEX useConTeXtSyncParser
   \setupsynctex[state=start, method=max]

* in TeXShop— 
	sync method: Both Pdf Sync and Search
	Alternative Path: /Users/bowen1/Applications/LuaMetaTeX/tex/texmf-osx-arm64/bin

• I am also using the latest ConteXt (ver.  2022.10.15 10:37 LMTX) and TeXShop ver. 5.03

So far
(a) the product file typesets as it should
(b) I do not get syncing from PDF to source (any component file)
(c) Syncing from source to PDf goes to the correct page of the PDF file but without any highlighting.
(d) there is a rootfile.synctex file (79 KB) generated

I am surely missing something. But what?


> On Oct 13, 2022, at 12:56, Alan C. Bowen <bowen at IRCPS.org> wrote:
> I have been trying to get Synctex to work with a ConText structure of product and component files using 
> % !TEX useAlternatePath
> % !TEX useConTeXtSyncParser
> \setupsynctex[state=start, method=max]
> and the various preference settings for the Sync Method in the Typesetting menu. This works  when I typeset a single source file but, so far, I have had no luck no matter whether theses lines are in the product file or in the component source files. Is there a way to get syncing with source files structured in this way? I have checked the files that come with TeXShop itself and did not see an answer there.
> Alan Bowen

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