[texshop] Fwd: Missing memory

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at icloud.com
Thu Feb 21 08:14:49 CET 2019

Following the recent dmarc problems that caused messages not to reach list subscribers with gmail or mac/me/icloud addresses, and our listadmin's (Karl) subsequent decision to remove the "[texshop]" prefix from subject lines, here's a message I sent two days ago to the list.

Even though the message is present on the list archive


it never reached me back (at my icloud address), so I'm not sure it did reach Justin (who uses a me address).


> From: Bruno Voisin
> Subject: Re: [texshop] Missing memory
> Date: 19 February 2019 at 08:39:04 CET
> To: texshop at tug.org
>> On 18 Feb 2019, at 21:23, Justin C. Walker wrote:
>>> On Feb 18, 2019, at 00:04 , Bruno Voisin wrote:
>>>> Le 18 Feb 2019 à 07:44, Justin C. Walker a écrit :
>>>> I have misplaced the trick in TeXShop to get “automatic” braces, in math mode, when a “_” or “^” is typed.
>>> Do you mean you type say "$a_" and TeXShop automatically adds "{}" after the "_", inserting the pointer between the "{" and the "}”?
>> That is what I meant.
> Based on Herb's wisdom at
> https://tug.org/pipermail/macostex-archives/2012-January/048240.html
> things take place in TeXShop's Source menu: Key Bindings > Toggle On/Off. No need to edit the Key Bindings file though, as
> ^	^{#SEL##INS#}
> _	_{#SEL##INS#}
> are there already.
> I didn't even know such possibilities existed! Thanks for pointing these out. (I must admit I'm completely lost nowadays among TeXShop's many menu items and pref checkboxes -- not even to mention all the hidden prefs --, and only use an extremely limited subset.)
> Bruno

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