[texshop] Revised TeXShop 4.33 Experimental

Richard Koch koch at math.uoregon.edu
Tue Aug 27 18:52:01 CEST 2019


Bruno, whose thoroughness is extremely helpful, pointed out that that public domain is reserved by Apple, and other developers are not supposed to extend it. I looked at the Apple documentation, and public.tex is not one of their items.

Consequently, I reverted back to using edu.uo.texshop.tex as UTI for the TeX and LaTeX files written by TeXShop. The author of the stackexchange article we used to change the UTI several days ago began by saying that most of his TeX files had type public.tex. Where this came from is a mystery. I carefully checked and TeXShop didn't use that term until a few days ago, and so far none of us has discovered a front end that does.

While Apple's UTI system is frustrating for all of us, it probably isn't a good idea to add one more "illegality" to the mix! I removed public.tex also from the file types known by the mdimporter inside the TeXShop bundle. If another method is discovered to make searching of TeX files work, please let me know.

The new version as of half an hour ago is now on


Dick Koch

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