[texshop] What does F5 do?

Stephen Moye stephenmoye at mac.com
Fri Oct 12 18:04:49 CEST 2018

> On Oct 12, 2018, at 11:31 AM, Bruno Voisin <bvoisin at icloud.com> wrote:
>> Le 12 Oct 2018 à 17:22, Stephen Moye <stephenmoye at mac.com> a écrit :
>> Well, this is somewhat better:
>>> defaults write TeXShop.plist NSUseSpellCheckerForCompletions -bool false
>> F5 now suggests only similar words in the current document.
> OK, I see, so this means completion is still performed, but it doesn't use the spell checker.
> The original StackOverflow page suggested
> defaults write -g NSUseSpellCheckerForCompletions -bool false
> (-g for global, instead of just TeXShop). I changed it so that only TeXShop is affected. 
> Maybe that makes a difference, and -g performs better for what you're looking for.
> Bruno

No, now it still lists only similar words in the current document.

I wouldn't mind, but not only does it *recommend* a change, but it actually MAKES THE CHANGE leaving hapless Gentle User none the wiser. That is convenience pushed to the point of an invasive and presumptuous annoyance.

Thanks, Bruno. There must be some sort of NOOP that could be substituted for this in Preferences>Keyboard>Text/Shortcuts.


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