Suppressing an unwanted header.

Rolf Turner rolfturner at
Wed Mar 27 06:35:08 CET 2024

I am trying to compile a LaTeX document, using a specialised document
class, but wish to make some adjustments to what this document class
does, *without* amending the *.cls file.  That is, I'd like to put
commands into my LaTeX document to override aspects of the structure
imposed by the document class.

Explicitly, the *.cls file has lines:

> \def\ps at title{%
> \def\@oddhead{%
> \parbox[t]{\textwidth}{%
> {\footnotesize{\sl\journalabb}\ \volumeyear\hfill doi:
> 10.1111/j.1467-842X.\DOI}}}
> \let\@evenhead\@oddhead

which create, without so much as a by-your-leave, a header (and footer)
on the title page.

I would like to suppress these, by putting appropriate commands
into the LaTeX document.

To suppress the header, I've tried various things such as
"\def\ps at title{}" and "\let\@oddhead\@empty", at various positions in
the file (basically before and after \begin{document}.

I also tried using "\pagestyle{empty}".

The results were, to say the least, completely unsatisfactory.

Can anyone guide me as to what I *should* do?  I have attached a minimal
example (xmpl.tex) and the class file in question (specialClass.cls).

I would like to remove the header (and footer; I have not worked
on the latter yet).  I would prefer *not* to leave the empty space that
these previously occupied.

Grateful for any advice.


Rolf Turner

Honorary Research Fellow
Department of Statistics
University of Auckland
Stats. Dep't. (secretaries) phone:
         +64-9-373-7599 ext. 89622
Home phone: +64-9-480-4619
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