Can identical code produce two different .pdf? Awe NiceTabular

Paulo Ney de Souza pauloney at
Fri Sep 8 18:27:11 CEST 2023

Both three links work fine for me.

Paulo Ney

On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 2:55 AM Gerard E. Seibert <jerry at>

> On Fri, 8 Sep 2023 10:34:06 +0100, John C Frain stated:
> >When I click on your first link I get messages about tax refunds. Have
> >you been hacked.
> >
> >On Fri 8 Sept 2023, 04:23 Darío via texhax, <texhax at> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello! I am confused about this.
> >> This behavior in tables using Nice Tabular has been giving me a
> >> headache for a long time. I consulted him in tex.stackexchange:
> >>
> >> was closed for unlessclarity.
> >>
> >> But today I find myself writing a code, and then compile the tables
> >> was perfect, as I wanted, ie: vertical lines, double vertical lines
> >> and the colors in the rows. For clarity, this file will be called
> >> good file.tex
> >>
> >> Seeing that it worked, I tried copying a code that wasn't working
> >> for me to another file, called filebad.tex.
> >>
> >> I copied the portion that didn't work to the filegood.tex, then
> >> compile and perfect! the tables that don't work in filebad work fine
> >> in filegood. Is it possible?? It baffles me.
> >>
> >> Both files it have the same package, the only difference is that
> >> filebad is a book and filegood is an article and the book have
> >> \tableofcontents ¿?
> >>
> >> The compilation use this command line (I use geany to compile with
> >> F8 key, on Debian 12):
> >> latex --file-line-error-style -output-directory=/tmp "%f" && dvipdf
> >> /tmp/"%e.dvi"
> >>
> >> The pdf's file produce for filebad is in [1], and filegood in [2].
> >>
> >> This is the code for some tables:
> >> \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}
> >> \usepackage{nicematrix}
> >> \usepackage[version=4]{mhchem}
> >> \usepackage{booktabs}
> >> \usepackage{float}
> >> \begin{document}
> >>         \begin{table}[H]
> >>         \begin{NiceTabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
> >>         \CodeBefore
> >>         %\rowlistcolors{1}{red} % sólo la primer fila
> >>         \rowlistcolors{2}{red!15,blue!15}
> >>         \Body
> >>                 \toprule
> >>                 Isótopo & Nombre & $Z$ & $A$ & $p^{+}$ & $n$ &
> >> $e^{-}$\\\toprule
> >>                 \ce{^{80}_{35}Br} & & 35 & 80 & & & 35\\\midrule
> >>                 \ce{^{54}_{26}Fe} & & & & 26 & &\\\midrule
> >>                 \ce{^{204}_{82}Pb} & Plomo 204 & 82 & & 82 & &
> >> \\\midrule \ce{^{131}_{53}I} & & & & & & \\\midrule
> >>                 \ce{^{208}_{82}Pb} & & & 208 & & 126 & \\\midrule
> >>                 \ce{^{235}_{92}U} & Uranio 235 & & 235 & & &
> >> \\\bottomrule \end{NiceTabular}
> >> \end{table}
> >> \end{document}
> >>
> >> If I compile only this, really good but in the filebad.tex not; and
> >> incredibly in the filegood.tex compile correctly. Really don't
> >> understand this behavior.
> >>
> >> I could share both full codes, they are a bit long and I have
> >> separate files, to see if someone can help me to find the error. I
> >> repeat both files have identical packages in use.
> >>
> >> Thanks a lot, apologies if it is not understood, but I do not
> >> understand these different behaviors.
> >> Darío
> >>
> >> [1]
> >> [2]
> Both links work fine for me.
> --
> Jerry
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