inciting thoughts on citing insightful sites lol

Mike Marchywka marchywka at
Sat Dec 30 18:38:13 CET 2023

Quite often you see people post manuscripts or whatever as
pdf files on LinkedIn and probably other social media.
I often ask the authors how they expect others to cite
their work as usually it invites some kind of
action related to the topic such as discussion or
communicating with others. Apparently though today
"citable" just means providing a link which is often
not informative to a reader- a bibliographic entry
is more helpful and won't go dead. 

Today, my question prompted this link,

and some of the self-promoting pieces for the site claim
it provides latest industry news and led to at lease on 20M
research grant. 

So I guess there may be a basic issue with understanding the concept.
But in this case Zotero did not pick up the authors,

	title = {Misinterpretation of serological data from updated {COVID}-19 vaccine boosters conveys misleading public health message},
	url = {},
	abstract = {Foreword: 
While preparing for the big bang, I felt compelled to share the attached article with the world. The intended audience primarily includes all scientists, public health authorities, medical doctors and so-called \‘experts\’ who are still na\ïve or ignorant enough to believe that Covid-19 vaccine boosters can recall virusneutralizing antibodies and therefore ensure prolonged protection against Covid-19 disease.\ },
	language = {en},
	urldate = {2023-12-30},
and TooBib found the json entry but it had kind of a wierd abstract
( included at the end due to length ).
I'm not sure authors or sites appreciate this and maybe it is just
due to nobody actually sharing more than a link.

However, even for your own use, if you intend to make more
than one document in your lifetime, its good to be able
to grep or read extended info and search of make your
own bibliography of your own work.
I continue to use my own stuff,

and have to imagine there is more out there.
I guess maybe I'm making a big deal out of nothing
but "we have computers" and if you goring to bother
writing and publishing this stuff making it easier
to file would seem helpful. 

I dunno maybe it is not a role for TUG but 
someone should be aware of the issue AFAICT.



mike marchywka
44 Crosscreek Trail
Jasper GA 30143
USA, Earth marchywka at
 404-788-1216 ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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description = {Foreword: While preparing for the big bang, I felt compelled to share the attached article with the world. The intended audience primarily includes all scientists, public health authorities, medical doctors and so-called \‘experts\’ who are still na\ïve or ignorant enough to believe that Covid-19 vaccine boosters can recall virusneutralizing antibodies and therefore ensure prolonged protection against Covid-19 disease.\ },
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pagetitle = {Misinterpretation of serological data from updated COVID-19 vaccine boosters conveys misleading public health message},
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X_TooBib = {urldate: FixBeKvp s= cmd=date "+%Y-%m-%d" d=2023-12-30 dn=urldate},
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