a link failing on zoterro webform, probably just headless chrome issue

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Fri Aug 11 20:27:34 CEST 2023

I ran across this link for which I wanted to extract the bibtex,


It looks pretty trivial but as of a few minutes ago
the zotero webform just returned a big red error bar.
A few weeks ago Toobib was failing too but it turned out
to just require some changes to headless chrome and it
is probably not an issue with a browser plugin.

I started to debug it in normal mode but once I got the
window to "icon size' thought it was cool and just
ran with it although it would work sporadically in 
headless mode and their server seems to let get one
headless access every so often.  In its current form no idea
if it would run on a headless server.  
 I also had a chance to start cleaning up mjm_chromate
as a free standing download utlity that does not need pupeeteer.
It does use a number of things like netstat and nodejd wscat
but these are easily consolidated with a ws library.
The frequent use of "std::system" makes things slow but easier
to code and debug for proof of concept. .

In any case it continues to return bibtex from pure command line

toobib -chromate 2 -local -clip
toobib set to ../toobib/toobib.out -devel -chromate 2
mjm>clip xxxx
./toobib.h588  cmd=clip p1=xxxx p2= flags=18 x.flag_to_string(flags,0)=show_trial paste_citation 
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h992  uin=https://www.joms.org/article/0278-2391(82)90282-8/pdf dest=xxxx flags=18
./mjm_chromate.h1422  enabling mjm_chromate with head 
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1166 % mjmhandler: toobib handledoi(crossref)
% date 2023-08-11:13:31:35 Fri 11 Aug 2023 01:31:35 PM EDT
% srcurl: https://www.joms.org/article/0278-2391(82)90282-8/pdf
% citeurl: http://api.crossref.org/works/10.1016/0278-2391(82)90282-8
X_TooBib = {date: 1982},
X_TooBib = {year: 1982,  infield_fix_dates },
X_TooBib = {urldate: FixBeKvp s= cmd=date "+%Y-%m-%d" d=2023-08-11 dn=urldate},
X_TooBib = {author: Wepner , F. and Fries , R. and Platz , H.},
abbrvjrnl = {Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery},
affiliation = {},
alternative-id = {0278239182902828},
author = {Wepner , F. and Fries , R. and Platz , H.},
author_orig = {F. Wepner and R. Fries and H. Platz},
bib-source = {Crossref},
content-domain = {false},
date = {1982},
date-created = {2008-05-24T05:25:57Z},
date-deposited = {2018-12-282018-12-28T04:56:09Z},
date-indexed = {2022-04-01T17:20:15Z},
date-issued = {1982-09},
date-journal-issue = {1982-09},
date-license = {1982-09-011982-09-01T00:00:00Z},
date-published-print = {1982-09},
date_orig = { 1982-09   1982-09 1982-09      },
deposited = {1545972969000},
doi = {10.1016/0278-2391(82)90282-8},
is-referenced-by-count = {22},
issn = {0278-2391},
issn-type = {0278-2391, print},
issue = {9},
journal = {Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery},
journal-issue = {9},
language = {en},
license = {399686400000, tdm, 0, https://www.elsevier.com/tdm/userlicense/1.0/},
link = {https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/PII:0278239182902828?httpAccept=text/xml, text/xml, vor, text-mining, https://api.elsevier.com/content/article/PII:0278239182902828?httpAccept=text/plain, text/plain, vor, text-mining},
member = {78},
page = {555-558},
prefix = {10.1016},
publication-date = {1982-09},
publisher = {Elsevier BV},
reference = {deleted},
reference-count = {14},
references-count = {14},
resource = {https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/0278239182902828},
score = {1},
subject = {Surgery},
title = {The use of the fibrin adhesion system for local hemostasis in oral surgery},
type = {journal-article},
url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/0278-2391(82)90282-8},
urldate = {2023-08-11},
volume = {40},
year = {1982},
final_assembly ={ TooBib handler handledoi(crossref)},
toobib-date={2023-08-11:13:31:35 Fri 11 Aug 2023 01:31:35 PM EDT}


./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1174  saving to  df=xxxx
./mjm_med2bib_guesses.h1188  have citation   nfound=1 cite=\cite{Wepner_Fries_Platz_1982} something=1 paste_citation=1


I bothched the push but the updates are there, still a mess but
as they say, " don't laugh it runs. " lol. Cleaning up the code
is on the path to making the file download utility with a command
set suited for this purpose.  




mike marchywka
44 Crosscreek Trail
Jasper GA 30143
USA, Earth marchywka at hotmail.com
 404-788-1216 ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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