pdflatex with simple Feynman

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at FU-Berlin.DE
Wed Dec 14 10:30:52 CET 2022

Haines Brown schrieb:

> I embed the working Feynman diagram into a LaTeX book. However, the
> diagram again does not display.
> The preamble of the book already contained:
>   \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>   \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>   etc
> To incorporate the Feynman diagram I added:
>   \usepackage{feynmp-auto}
> The environment for the diagram is \begin{fmffile}{test} and so when I
> ran $ pdflatex --shell-escape twice on the LaTeX source for the book,
> a test.mp file is created. However the diagram does  not display.

did you include the mp file with \includegraphics?


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