pdflatex with simple Feynman

Herbert Voss Herbert.Voss at fu-berlin.de
Mon Dec 12 15:47:26 CET 2022

Am 12.12.22 um 15:33 schrieb Haines Brown:
> On Mon, Dec 12, 2022 at 02:02:51PM +0100, Herbert Voss wrote:
>> Am 12.12.22 um 13:36 schrieb Haines Brown:
>>> I have no trouble witn Feynman diagrams in a LuaLaTeX document, but
>>> find it difficult to construct one in a LaTeX document. I construct a
>>> c.tex file with the sample from the fmf manual:
>>>     \documentclass[12pt]{article}
>>>     \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
>> utf8 is  for years the default ...
>>>     \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
>>>     \usepackage{feynmp-auto}
>>>     \begin{document}
>> should be
>> \begin{fmffile}{test}
>>>      \begin{fmfgraph*}(40,30)
>>>         \fmfpen{thick}
>>>         \fmfleft{i1,i2}
>>>         \fmfright{o1,o2}
>>>         \fmf{fermion}{i1,v1,o1}
>>>         \fmf{fermion}{i2,v2,o2}
>>>         \fmf{photon,label=$q$}{v1,v2}
>>>         \fmfdot{v1,v2}
>>>       \end{fmfgraph*}
>>>       \end{fmfile}
>> \end{fmffile}
>> then it works for me with pdflatex
>> Herbert
>>>     \end{document}
> Herbert, thanks, but not much luck.
> I now use a corrected Feynman tex file named feynman.tex:
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{inputenc}

I meant that the complete line is nowadays superflous.

However, with an up-to-date TL2022 I have the following output
with your example with a correct pdf:

bash-3.2$ pdflatex document3
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-1.40.24 (TeX Live 2022) 
(preloaded format=pdflatex)
  restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2022-11-01> patch level 1
L3 programming layer <2022-11-02>
Document Class: article 2022/07/02 v1.4n Standard LaTeX document class
[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
[MP to PDF] (./test.1) (./test.t1) 
ap/pdftex/updmap/pdftex.map}] (./document3.aux) 
Output written on document3.pdf (1 page, 13502 bytes).
Transcript written on document3.log.


> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{feynmp-auto}
> \begin{document}
>    \begin{fmffile}{test}
>      \begin{fmfgraph*}(40,30)
>        \fmfpen{thick}
>        \fmfleft{i1,i2}
>        \fmfright{o1,o2}
>        \fmf{fermion}{i1,v1,o1}
>        \fmf{fermion}{i2,v2,o2}
>        \fmf{photon,label=$q$}{v1,v2}
>        \fmfdot{v1,v2}
>    \end{fmfgraph*}
>    \end{fmffile}
> \end{document}
> When I run pdflatex on this file a "test.mp" file is generated. I saw
> nothing problematic in it but wonder about "LaTeX_unitlength:=1.0pt;".
> A PDF file is also generated
>    Output written on feynman.pdf (1 page, 3805 bytes).
>    3805 bytes I'm sure is too small. In any case the PDF file
>    lacks any Feynman diagram.

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