font will not display bold in lualatex

barbara beeton bnb at
Tue Dec 6 18:01:15 CET 2022

On Tue, 6 Dec 2022, Haines Brown wrote:

> I have a lualatex document, but am beginner with lualaTeX. In its
> preface I consruct a text block header, the first line of which
> should be bold:
>  [...]
>  \newfontface\Dunhill{latinmodernromandunhill}
>  [...]

I believe the name would be lmdunh*, matching the naming pattern of
other latin modern fonts.  But a CTAN search for lmdunh* doesn't
turn up any boldface version.  Computer Modern Dunhill exists only
as lightface upright, so I'm not too optimistic that bold would have
been added for latin modern.
 					-- Barbara Beeton

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