
Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Thu Aug 18 17:15:18 CEST 2022

Am Thu, 18 Aug 2022 07:56:24 -0700 schrieb Paulo Ney de Souza:

> So that begs the question: What is the real use of such a command in the
> package? What is the difference between XeTeX and the other many engines
> that we have right now?

If you compile with lualatex or pdflatex you see in the log at the
end the fonts used with absolute pathes, e.g.


This info isn't provided by xelatex (as the actual font is included
by xdvipdfmx). With \XeTeXtracingfonts=1 you get a quite sensible
replacement. Debugging font problems with xelatex typically start
with the advice "add \XeTeXtracingfonts=1 and then show the

Ulrike Fischer 

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