Bottom margin vs. descenders question

Peter Flynn peter at
Fri Jun 26 17:29:53 CEST 2020

On 26/06/2020 14:29, Doug McKenna wrote:
> My question had to do with how my application should visually
> determine a breached margin, without having any knowledge of the
> document structure inside the PDF.  All I've got are pixels,
> 72/inch.

If you're on Linux, install screenruler from your distribution's 
repositories (eg using sudo apt install screenruler)

On Windows, a similar utility is at

I'm sure there is an equivalent for Macs too (screensruler is written in 
Ruby, so it might work).

> It's all a bunch of heuristics and hacks for one particular set of
> pages and one particular set of formatting guidelines, but it seems
> to be working for nearly all cases.

It sounds like you're doing all the right things. I'm sorry it's so tedious.


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