Which font is this? Is there an equivalnet for use in plain TeX?

Jonathan Fine jfine2358 at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 12:36:26 CET 2020

Hi Suresh

You wrote: Attached is a screenshot of a web-page. I would like to create
plain TeX
documents using that font. I examined the html source of the web-page
but could not figure out which font is being used.

I hope that the responses from David Carlisle and myself have allowed you
to identify the font behind the screenshot. Please confirm this, or ask for
further help.

Are the responses given now sufficient for you to create a TeX (or TeX
variant such as XeTeX) document that uses that font? And how about plain
TeX vs LaTeX (or for completeness ConTeXt).

Yours is a good question. I'm grateful to you for asking it, and hope that
from this thread a good solution (which also meets your needs) emerges.

with best wishes

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