locations of code that touches dvi

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 16 12:29:20 CEST 2019

I found dviasm and downloaded the source code from ubuntu repo - apparently
it is now a python script bundled with about 1Gb of other tex utilities.
The c code with the same name appears on the internet but may be much
older. I got that as an alternative to the dt2dv related utilities but
they all seem to work on simple test cases. 

I guess my first question is what is the best dvi assembler/dissembler
written in c or c++ or easily converted to it?

Also if someone can point me to the dvi generation code in
latex it would help. I have the xdvik code called from
my test program and was debating about altneratives for
testing some modifications. I guess ideally I could write
latex code and compile it into modified dvi
with a modified latex although if that is too involved I can
generate the dvi from my own scripts and worry about the
tex stuff later.

I was amazed digging into xdvik that the dvi execution code
seems tractable and hoping now the latex code is easy too. 



mike marchywka
306 charles cox
canton GA 30115
USA, Earth 
marchywka at hotmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0001-9237-455X

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