[texhax] Issue with Mac TeXShop and Nomenclature

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Sat Apr 7 04:07:21 CEST 2018


The engine file you provided worked for me. Here are a couple of things to check:

1) The engine file must be placed in ~Library/TeXShop/Engines, where ~/Library is the Library
folder in your home directory, This directory is often hidden.

2) The engine file must have extension "engine". So a typical title would be


The actual name doesn't matter, but the extension matters.

3) The engine file must be executable, so in Terminal

	chmod 755 nomen.engine

4) Typeset using pdfLaTeX. Then switch to the nomen engine and typeset. Then switch back to pdfLaTeX and typeset a third time.

Dick Koch

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