[texhax] include a pdf graphics file whose name includes a varying date

Mike Marchywka marchywka at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 1 17:45:54 CET 2017

Thanks. I guess when I said "ad" I was thinking of cases in automated settings
where say the server gets information from many sources and makes something
about local weather conditions near the user. The server may collect data from a gov weather site,
the presumed user location from IP address, and maybe something about the user. It
would then generate text or images that would be sent to a user with possibly little
human QA. Now of course this is a slow process, but a lot of results could be cached
for hours or so and combined quickly for a given request.

Obviously there is a lot that can go wrong :) If you stuck tex tools in the middle of this,
it may be hard to generate a pure tex template that was robust. However, you could generate
it in pieces with blocks of code in bash scripts although maybe there are maco or 
library facilities within tex that would work just as well. 

From: Philip Taylor <P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk>
Sent: Wednesday, February 1, 2017 11:03 AM
To: Mike Marchywka
Cc: TeXHaX List
Subject: Re: [texhax] include a pdf graphics file whose name includes a varying date

On 01/02/2017 15:44, Mike Marchywka wrote:

> fwiw. Again curious what others are doing as I have not done much tex lately.

For myself :  typesetting books; typesetting advertisements; typesetting menus;
typesetting "Welcome" in 32 different languages, 32 different colours, 32 different fonts
(unified for x-height) and at 32 different angles, all radiating from a common origin.

All in plain XeTeX, which in the case of the books, processes raw XML and emits PDF
with no adjunct processor(s).

Philip Taylor

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