[texhax] Reference in a Appendix

Barbara Beeton bnb at ams.org
Wed May 23 21:26:12 CEST 2012

    > Hi list, i need reference some equations and tables in the appendix,
    > the way they need is, for example:
    > "equation" (A.1)
    > "table" (A.1)
    > because i get
    > "equation" (4.1)
    > "table" (4.1)
    > i don't use command \appendix, only \section{Ap?ndice}, and the
    > equations and tables its labels are
    > \label{ec:ondas}
    > \numberwithin{equation}{section}
    > \label{tab:tension}
    > \numberwithin{table}{section}
    > Thanks all!

    I have partly solved using
    but must be manually (the numbers)
    Exist any way to do automatic?

there is a question addressing this situation
in the ams author-faq.  go to this site
and search for  "one appendix"  (including
the quotes).  the answer to this question
should help with resolving your problem.
						-- bb

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