[texhax] Reset numbers of table

Darío darioslc at gmail.com
Sun May 20 22:33:01 CEST 2012

Hi list, i have a problem with a number of reference of a table, i
insert this table in a Apenddix (manually, without \appendix command)
but the number of reference in the first table is 4.0.1 and the nexts
is 4.2 y 4.3, i need wich the first table is 4.1 i use
My appendix is simply
\section{Apéndice} %not use \appendix
\caption{\small{Longitudes de onda para los primeros cinco modos normales.}}
\begin{tabular}{| c | c | c |}
 Modo & $\overline{\lambda_n} [m]$ & ${1/\overline{\lambda_n}}[m^{-1}]$\\
1& 2,140 &0,467\\
2& 1,070&0,935\\
3& 0,713&1,401\\
4& 0,535 &1.869\\
5& 0,428 &2,33\\
\numberwithin{table}{section} % SEE, NOT IS subsection and behaves as subsection


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 ,              ,
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      ): :(

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