[texhax] About preambule

Vladimir Lomov lomov.vl at gmail.com
Mon Jan 16 02:17:21 CET 2012

** Darío [2012-01-12 11:04:50 -0300]:

> Hi list! my questions is about preambule, because i have a archive
> predeterminated for edit a new archive .tex, preferently mathematics
> formules and graphics.
> It´s ok or may be insert/del somethings package?
It depends on what document you write.

> This is my preambule:

> \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article}
> \parindent=5mm
> %\usepackage{fancyhdr}    %%% -> this package is used to customize headers and footers, if you don't want to change them don't use this package.
> %\usepackage{fancy}       %%% -> (fancy cross ref.) to customize cross ref., if don't want customize them don't use it.
> %\usepackage{pst-node}    %%% -> from PSTricks package, to draw an image using PostScript (see documentation)
> \oddsidemargin 0in        %%% -> geometry package, see below
> %\textwidth 6.75in        %%% -> geometry
> %\topmargin 0in           %%% -> geometry
> %\textheight 8.5in        %%% -> geometry
> %\parindent 0em
> %\parskip 2ex
> \usepackage[spanish,activeacute]{babel}            %%% -> enable support for Spanish
> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}                      %%% -> inform LaTeX in what encoding document will be, I would advise to use UTF-8, see below
> %\usepackage[autostyle, english=quotes]{csquotes}  %%% -> "intelligent" quotes, see documentation for examples, if doubt don't use.
> \usepackage{pst-all}      %%% -> PSTricks package, if you don't draw images using the package don't include it.
> \usepackage{upgreek} %para letras griegas en modo matem\'atico
> \usepackage{times}        %%% -> use 'Times' like font.
> %\usepackage{tipa}        %%% -> use tipa package (processing IPA symbols), if you don't use IPA don't include.
> \usepackage{textcomp}     %%% -> use UTF-8.
> %\usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} %%% -> include external figures, see below
> %\usepackage[pdftex]{color}    %%% -> color support.
> \usepackage[all]{xy}      %%% -> draw commutative diagrams, see package documentation
> %\usepackage{pb-diagram} %para diagramas conmutativos
> \usepackage{graphicx}     %%% -> already mentioned
> %\usepackage{esint} % para la integral doble
> %\usepackage{mathabx}     %%% -> more math symbols, again, see documentation
> \usepackage[intlimits]{amsmath} %%% -> advanced math support, very useful. 
> \usepackage{amssymb} %para usar el \therefore
> \usepackage{amsfonts}     %%% additional math fonts/symbols, included if amssymb is used.
> \pretolerance=3000

> \begin{document}
> %Texto
> \end{document}

Below is example document with many mathematical formulae and include external graphics:
<example file="ex1.ltx">


% Texto

General advice #1: start with simple preamble (like in the example) and
add packages only when know what they provide.

General advice #2: READ [PACKAGE] DOCUMENTATION, e.g. if you use TeX
Live distribution run in terminal (command prompt):
texdoc geometry
texdoc [package name]
to read package documentation.

WBR, Vladimir Lomov

<lilo> "Please demonstrate intellect." ;)

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