[texhax] LaTeX to HTML - And HTML email

Gordon Haverland ghaverla at materialisations.com
Thu Feb 9 20:29:01 CET 2012

On February 8, 2012, Lim Lian Tze wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 8:42 AM, Gordon Haverland <
> ghaverla at materialisations.com> wrote:
> > While there may be mail clients which will use CSS in the
> > <head> (which is what HeVeA does), apparently the bulk of
> > email clients want the style attribute on all things in the
> > body, and not some general CSS in <head>.
> > 
> > Are there LaTeX to HTML convertors that will do this?  Or
> > does a person have to transform the HTML to put all the
> > CSS/style in the <body>?
> You might want to try MailChimp's CSS Inliner tool for this
> exact purpose. This tool is free of charge, and you don't need
> to register with MailChimp beforehand to use it.
> http://beaker.mailchimp.com/inline-css
> To use the tool, first copy the CSS <style> into the <head> of
> your HTML document. Then copy and paste the _entire_ HTML file
> into the CSS Inliner tool. Click "convert", and the tool will
> then present an e-mail friendly version.

I went looking at CPAN, and surprisingly there is a module there 
(CSS::Inliner) which looks surprisingly the same.  And it sort of 

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