[texhax] dynamically generating tikz node names
Martin Heller
mr_heller at yahoo.dk
Fri Aug 17 09:00:40 CEST 2012
Paul Isambert wrote, on 17-08-2012 08:12:
> I don't know whether there are better ways to plot PGF nodes, but at
> least this solves your problem.
I think it should be doable with the `count` and `remember`options to
the \foreach statement.
\def\alltraces{aaa, bbb, ccc, ddd}
\node (t0) at (0, 0) {};
\foreach \trace [count=\i] in \alltraces {%
\node[anchor=north] (t\i) at (t\thej.south) {\i \trace};
Hovever, in my short test, I diden't succeed in getting `remember` to
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