[texhax] adobe 10

Reinhard Kotucha reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Sat May 28 14:56:41 CEST 2011

On 2011-05-28 at 12:27:01 +0200, Philipp Stephani wrote:

 > Am 28.05.2011 um 11:09 schrieb Lars Madsen:
 > > On 05/27/2011 06:13 PM, Reinhard Kotucha wrote:
 > >> On 2011-05-27 at 16:01:02 +0200, Lars Madsen wrote:
 > >> 
 > >>  >  Aren't you refering to your editor instead? If that is the
 > >>  >  case I'd also recommend looking at the Sumatra PDF viewer,
 > >>  >  as it does not lock the PDF file as AR does, so the PDF
 > >>  >  viewer can stay open during the entire writing/compilation
 > >>  >  process.
 > >> 
 > >> It's Windows that locks the file, not AR.
 > >> 
 > >> Regards,
 > >>   Reinhard
 > >> 
 > > 
 > > if it is windows, then why doesn't it lock it for Sumatra PDF?
 > The Windows kernel locks opened files only if requested by the
 > caller (i.e. the application). Files can be opened with or without
 > read and/or write locking. See the documentation for the CreateFile
 > function for details.

The question is: what happens on Windows if a file is _not_ locked and
is replaced by a process (TeX) while another one (AR) is accessing it.
Only removing the lock might not be sufficient, and I suppose it's not
set for fun.


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                              mailto:reinhard.kotucha at web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.

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