[texhax] Adding section levels and repeated text.

Donald Arseneau asnd at triumf.ca
Mon Mar 28 06:22:58 CEST 2011

Peter Davis <pfd at pfdstudio.com> writes:

> For a particular document, I'm trying to define up to six section levels,
> using the \@startsection command.  However, any new levels (beyond
> subsubsection) add the section title to the body text inside the section, 

> \newcommand\hvi{\@startsection %
>   {subsubsubsubsubsection}{6}{0mm}%
>   {-\baselineskip}%
>   {0.5\baselineskip}%
>   {\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries}}%
> \renewcommand{\thesubsubsubsubsubsection}{\thesubsubsubsection.\arabic{subsubsubsubsubsection}}

Because you failed to define \subsubsub...mark.

Donald Arseneau                          asnd at triumf.ca

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