[texhax] Adding section levels and repeated text.

Philip Taylor (Webmaster, Ret'd) P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Mon Mar 28 00:07:09 CEST 2011

jfbu wrote:

> the following seems to work:

As does this (at least, for the first five levels),
for reasons that are totally unclear to me ...

Philip Taylor

\title{Adding Section Levels}




\newcommand\hi{\@startsection %

\newcommand\hii{\@startsection %

\newcommand\hiii{\@startsection %

\newcommand\hiv{\@startsection %

\newcommand\hv{\@startsection %

%\newcommand\hvi{\@startsection %
%  {subsubparagraph}{6}{0mm}%
%  {-\baselineskip}%
%  {0.5\baselineskip}%
%  {\normalsize\sffamily\bfseries}}%


\hi{Level One}

Level one paragraph.

\hii{Level Two}

Level two paragraph.

\hiii{Level Three}

Level three paragraph.

\hiv{Level Four}

Level four paragraph.

\hv{Level Five}

Level five paragraph.

%\hvi{Level Six}

%Level six paragraph.


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