[texhax] PSTricks circlenode produces an error

Olivier Cailloux olivier.cailloux at gmail.com
Sun Mar 27 23:17:29 CEST 2011

Le 27/03/2011 16:44, Herbert Voss a écrit :
> Am 27.03.2011 14:07, schrieb Olivier Cailloux:
>> When trying to use \circlenode, ps2pdf complains that the PS file
>> produced is invalid. Here is the latex code.
>> \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
>> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
>> \usepackage{pstricks,pst-node}
>> \begin{document}
>> \section{psnode try}
>> \begin{figure}
>> % \begin{pspicture*}(-1,-1)(8,12)
>> \circlenode(0,0){sq1}{sq}
> that is the wrong syntax. Where did you read it?
> \circlenode{sq1}{sq} or
> \rput(x,y){\circlenode{sq1}{sq}}
Whow, so stupid. Indeed it is stated correctly in the User's Guide I was 
using, I just couldn't read it correctly although I re-read it several 
times! How did I do that?

Time for an other coffee I guess.

Thanks a lot.

> Herbert
>> % \cnodeput(0,0){sq1}{sq}
>> % \end{pspicture*}
>> \end{figure}
>> \end{document}
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