[texhax] Regarding {BEFORESKIP}{AFTERSKIP}{ parameters in \@startsection

Philip TAYLOR (Webmaster, Ret'd) chaa006 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 21 12:18:36 CET 2011

There was an over-simplification in my previous reply.
Where I wrote :

 > Note that the leading "-" has a special significance : when present,
 > it indicates that the paragraph indent of any text following the heading
 > is suppressed.

this is true only for BEFORESKIP.  For AFTERSKIP, a leading "-"
indicates that the heading is to be run-in, and the absolute
value indicates the skip to leave to the right of the run-in
heading.  I don't think this has any material impact on
my recommendations (as opposed to my commentary) but it should
be borne in mind when setting AFTERSKIP to non-zero values.

Philip Taylor

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