[texhax] How to use Win fonts under Linux?

Petar Milin pmilin at ff.uns.ac.rs
Sat Mar 12 10:10:10 CET 2011

Hello ALL, and many thanks for the discussion of what to use as Palatino 
and Trebuchet in LaTeX.
I have installed mscorefonts when I tailored my Debian. Nevertheless, I 
am so very ignorant vis-a-vi how to use fonts in LaTeX. To be honest, I 
learned some tricks and never had time enough to dig deeper into 
beutiful world of LaTeX. Since I am generally using Sweave to run 
R-statistics trough LaTeX, for manuscripts, most of the time I did not 
care about font(s). As for the beamer, I used some of the predefined 
templates, and only changed color scheme, nothing much and advanced. 
Now, I am sucked with this, since my Lab changed PowerPoint template. I 
am trying to get something close to it, and not to use LaTeX/Sweave 
Please, plain and simple: how can I define preamble to get fonts similar 
to Palatino and Trebuchet, and to use them appropriately? I see this is 
quite complex matter, and I know some people who are font-designers, but 
I need a practical solution for my problem.

Thank you in advance! All the best,

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