[texhax] suppressing labels in grid

Zbigniew Nitecki zbigniew.nitecki at tufts.edu
Thu Sep 2 19:27:57 CEST 2010

Is there a way to get a grid pattern on a rectangle without getting  
numerical labels for the lines?
I am trying to use pstricks to create a rectangle with a grid that  
will resemble a plane embedded in 3-space in another, pst3d-solides  
picture;  the latter will have the pattern of object=grille.  However,  
I don't want explicit labels assigning numerical coordinates to the  
grid lines.

Zbigniew Nitecki
Department of Mathematics
Tufts University

my office     (617) 627-3843
dept. off.    (617) 627-3234
dept. fax    (617) 627-3966

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