[texhax] \paragraph environment bolding all text

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Sun Feb 7 07:53:22 CET 2010

On  6 Feb, 2010, at 06:57, George Goodwin wrote:

> I've been using TeX a while now, but I've always had the problem that all text ends up bolded when it's within a \paragraph{} environment - as all my text is!

\paragraph{...} is a sectioning command ---the order for book class is \part{...}, \chapter{...}, \section{...}, \subsection{...}, \subsubsection{...} and \paragraph{...}.

They are not meant to hold your text, but the title of said part, chapter,..., paragraph.

> I read that this was the correct way to structure a document (i.e. rather than just using line breaks)

Obviously the advice was to type your paragraph as a single block, instead of using return each time you reach an end of line in your editor.



section 2.7 (p. 35); but I would advise you to read the whole document.



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