[texhax] Installtion of proTeX

Lars Madsen daleif at imf.au.dk
Tue Mar 24 10:10:14 CET 2009

Julia Schweizer wrote:
> Dear Webmaster,
> I?m using MS Vista and I tried to install proTeXt with the pdf guide from
> Thomas Feuerstack in German.
> I cannot confugurate the basic interplay between the editor and TEX, 
> because the path
> miktex\bin is absent.

huh, did you actually install MikTeX during the installation?

have you tried searching for miktex on your Vista?

it might be programs/miktex 2.7/miktex/bin

or something like that

(yes it is quite anoying that TeXnicCenter cannot foind LaTeX on its own)


> How can I confugurate it.. By the way I?m a new user of LaTex and I try 
> to lern LaTeX by myself
> Please, help me
> with best regards Julia Schweizer
> P.S.: you can answer in german, if you prefer it
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