[texhax] Error while Installing texlive 2008 - DVD

Markus Puetz mspuetz at web.de
Mon Mar 23 11:44:25 CET 2009


i did install texlive 2008-DVD in WinVista. It works fine. Now i tried to install on WinXP and got this message:

Installing: pdftricks
Installing: pdfwin
Tk:: Error: Can't open 'D:\texmf-dist/doc/latex/pdfwin/Thumbs.db': No such file or directory
TeXLive::TLUtils::copy at tlpkg/TeXLive/TLUtils.pm line 721
TeXLive::TLUtils::install_package at tlpkg/TeXLive/TLUtils.pm line 895
TeXLive::TLUtils::install_packages at tlpkg/TeXLive/TLUtils.pm line 804
main::do_install_packages at D:\install-tl line 901
main::do_installation at D:\install-tl line 482
main::__ANON__ at tlpkg/installer/install-menu-perltk.pl line 379
TK callback for .frame.frame1.frame.button
Tk::__ANON__ at D:\tlpkg\installer\perllib/Tk.pm line 247
Tk::Button::butUp at D:\tlpkg\installer\perllib/Tk/Button.pm line 111
(command bound to event)

Installation stops after that. A file "Thumbs.db" really does not exist on DVD in that directory (and does not seems to be needed for installation on WinVista?).
Thank you for helping me.

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